J5 was founded to create a kinder, more beautiful future.

We believe putting people at the heart of innovation has the power to change the world.

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Designing with people, not for them.

For over a decade, J5 has been supporting healthcare institutions, government, non-profits, businesses and communities to design more human-centric strategies and services from within.

At the core of our design practice is an understanding that innovation happens best when we roll up our sleeves, working alongside people who face the very challenges we’re trying to solve.

  • We work with healthcare providers to better understand the needs of their patients, caregivers, and staff, including the wider systems that surround them so people can lead healthier, happier lives.

  • Together with people with lived experience of social issues, we co-create programmes, systems, and services. Community engagement and participatory design principles are at the heart of our approach.

  • We make digital public services more accessible, effective and personalized for the people who use them in ways that address their changing needs and remove barriers to digital participation.

  • In today’s competitive landscape, charities are facing unprecedented challenges in the pursuit of creating meaningful connections with donors.

    We specialize in empowering charitable organizations to exceed fundraising goals while delivering exceptional donor experiences.


Discover the different ways we can help your organization:

Listen to your users, communities and internal teams.

We conduct research, facilitate strategic conversations with leaders and host highly interactive workshops with users to surface insights, define problems worth solving and make strategic recommendations or action plans for transformation and change.

Design services and experiences for people you exist to serve.

We guide others through highly iterative processes of co-design and prototyping that spans physical spaces, customer experience and digital transformation to reduce risks and costs of implementing ideas not yet validated by users or the people responsible for delivering them.

Realize change and transformation from the inside-out.

We translate and share insights on how to best use our design processes and systems from hundreds of projects that can be easily understood for inspiration and knowledge, or simply adopted as tools for assessing your own innovation readiness and organziational maturity.

Experience Matters

Whether it’s a new medical clinic or a digital service that serves millions of people, we use design to create tangible value for people, communities and businesses.


Change is essential, but it often stirs up fear and anxiety in people who crave familiarity and structure.

Service design looks at what is required for an organization to deliver a service.

Learn how we designed our own space so people could look forward to monday mornings.

A passenger experience for more than 14 million people.